Bystronic (Hoffman Estates, IL) has updated its ByStar Fiber laser cutting machine with a 20 kW laser output. On average, the ByStar Fiber 20 kW cuts up to 50 percent faster (when cutting with nitrogen) compared to a 10 kW laser source. The ByStar Fiber cuts steel, aluminum, and stainless steel with a thickness from 20 gauge up to 1.5 inches (3.8 cm), and brass and copper up to 0.75 inches (1.9 cm) with high precision.
The system includes the SSC3 variable telescoping cutting head, which automatically adjusts the focal length and spot size. Additionally, the focal position is set automatically for each material. The ByStar Fiber 20 kW power level is available for models 3015, 4020, 6225, and 8025.
The system includes the BeamShaper function, which adjusts the beam profile to ensure smooth cutting edges and high operational reliability for carbon steel materials with fluctuating material characteristics up to thicknesses of 1.125 inches (2.8575 cm). This function can be selected as an option when purchasing a new 20 kW ByStar Fiber or added later as an upgrade.
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