HRB ATC Press Brake With Automatic Tool Changer

Product: HRB ATC
Category(ies): Bending, automation
Summary: The HRB ATC is a combination product that pairs proven, high-end bending with automated tooling technology that can do multiple station setups in minutes. The HRB Series press brake is available a variety of tonnages, from 80 to 220, with bed lengths ranging from 2.5 meters to 4 meters. The HRB Series, when paired with the Automatic Tool Changer (ATC), gives precision bending and fast,
automated tooling setup, removal, and changes throughout the day.
At FABTECH you will see: The HRB 1003 ATC (100-ton capacity and 3-meter bed with the Automatic Tool Changer)
Tech to Watch: Hybrid drive, ATC, tooling designed for automated setups, optional L-shift backgauge, optional double-clamp fingers, automated angle check, AMNC 3i Control
HRB 1003 ATC
Press brakes in the AMADA HRB Series provide many features that enhance speed, reliability, and safety. The HRB 1003 ATC is a 100-ton press brake with a 3-meter bed that is paired with the Automatic Tool Changer (ATC) for fully automated tooling setup and teardown, with any setup—even one with multiple stations—taking less than four minutes.
This press brake uses the AMNC 3i control, which takes jobs programmed offline and translates them to actions on the brake—including the tooling and how it will be laid out. (You can also get a program by scanning a bar code of a captured program and you can also do some interactive programming by using the touch-screen of the AMNC 3i.)
Because the ATC version of the HRB 1003 is an upgrade, it comes standard with adjustable crowning and the A-GRIP Auto ATC punch holders (which are automated and pressure-sensitive). Also, there are options on this model which simply are not available on models without the ATC, like the Bi-S Sensor, which measures the bend angle and helps the system make tiny corrections which avoids the need for test bends. The other option available only on the ATC models is the sliding foot pedal, which automatically moves under the station that will be used next in a multiple bend setup configuration.

A-GRIP automatic punch holders

Bi-S (lower right) to check bend angles
The tooling is stored inside the ATC, attached to the right of the press brake. A top Tool Layout Unit sets up the punches to be used, and the bottom unit moves the dies into place. Both top and bottom tooling can move in three dimensions. In a busy environment with a need for speed, a breakdown of the last layout can happen simultaneously with setup of the next layout.